


Custom 宝博体育 Programs
为什么是CEA 卡帕?

CEA 卡帕 自定义项目

无论您是想提供由您自己的教师教授的课程还是在感兴趣的领域提供定制的小组安排, CEA 卡帕 provides the expert support, 资源, and flexibility you need to create your own custom program in 22 locations across 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和大洋洲.  


Why Partner with CEA 卡帕

CEA 卡帕海外教育提供定制和教师主导的课程以及自己的学期和暑期课程. 我们灵活的定制课程选择充分利用了CEA 卡帕在创造学术和职业方面的75年专业知识 readiness programs abroad.

在CEA 卡帕, we help develop custom and 教师-led programs, taking into consideration short-and long-term strategies, listening carefully to ideas, and working to create a meaningful program at an accessible cost. Take advantage of our expertise and extensive network, including our internship placements, professional site visits, co-curricular activities calendar, and guest lectures.

Program Development
  • Consultation with dedicated 自定义程序 Developers to explore program vision and goals 
  • Specialized program inclusions to align with student learning outcomes
  • Curriculum development (if needed)
  • Flexible pricing options for your budget
  • Marketing and recruitment support
  • Student advising and document collection
  • Visa application instructions and support
  • Final program planning
  • Feedback survey and debrief discussions
  • 来自学校的正式成绩单或成绩报告(CEA capa授课课程需要)
  • Official transcripts from local partner institutions (as needed for partner-taught 课程s)
  • Airport transfer upon arrival
  • Comprehensive onsite orientation, including health and 安全
  • Classroom space at a CEA 卡帕 Study Center or local academic facility
  • CEA 卡帕 and/or international partner institution 课程s (if needed)
  • Co-curricular and active learning activities
  • Daytrips and overnight excursions to sites of interest
  • Internship, service learning, and volunteer opportunities (varies by location)
  • Cultural activities and group meals
  • Diverse housing options for students and 教师
  • Extensive co-curricular and logistical support from permanent onsite staff
  • Student-centered approach to special accommodations
  • Risk management and 24/7 emergency support
  • Liability, medical, emergency, and evacuation insurance coverage
Quality Academic Programming

Commitment to Quality Academic Programming

International Infrastructure

Established International Infrastructure

Flexibility in 程序选项

Flexibility in 程序选项 & 夹杂物

Robust Support Services

Robust Support Services

健康 & 安全保险

健康 & 安全保险


Commitment to Expanding Program Opportunities

我们的定制课程团队热衷于开发和促进编程,以服务于高等教育入学的学生群体的多样性. Inclusivity is more than just a word to us, it’s a core value for CEA 卡帕. We believe inclusive practices cultivate curiosity, 创新, and the ability to provide unparalleled global experiences. 我们是一个希望所有人都能感受到重视、认可和支持的组织. 我们是 committed to taking continuous action, holding ourselves accountable, actively seeking feedback, and being transparent in our work. 

特别是定制和教师主导的课程,是增加获得全球经验的宝贵工具. 经常, customized experiences offer more flexibility in timing, 价格, 和课程, thus breaking down barriers for historically marginalized groups. 另外, custom programs can be intentionally designed for particular student populations, 确保这些学生的特殊兴趣和需求得到拥护和支持. 

身份-based programs we are proud to have supported:

  • 第一代学生计划专注于在塞维利亚和罗马之间轮换的全球能力
  • First-Generation Student program in 弗洛伦斯, focused on engineering
  • "Gay 巴黎" program, focused on LGBTQIA+ studies
  • HBCU-supporting program in San Jose, focused on health sciences and career development  


  • 人权 & Service-Learning program in San Jose, run out of a Multicultural Student Services office
  • Sign Language Studies program in 巴黎, open to hearing, deaf, and hard-of-hearing students
  • Black Lives Matter program in 伦敦, focusing on comparative studies of social justice movements between the UK and the U.S.
  • HBCU-supporting short-term programs focused on globalization and migration


Study Centers and 自定义程序 Locations

Located in cities across 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和大洋洲, our Study Centers accommodate a range of instruction and program types. Study centers are staffed year-round with a team dedicated to housing, 学者, 学生福利, global internships, 和健康, 安全, and student affairs. Centers provide instructional technology, 办公空间, 计算机实验室, 互联网接入, 研究领域, and 教师 lounges. In most locations, 教师和学生也可以利用我们的国际合作机构的学术资源. 















    CEA Support Services'

    CEA 卡帕 Support Services

    We collaborate with institutions to provide full end-to-end support. 我们的合作伙伴可以依靠我们的专业知识和基础设施来确保您的项目的每一个细节都得到周到和彻底的照顾.

    Each program will have a dedicated U.S.-based CEA 卡帕 team made up of your Regional Director, a 自定义程序 Developer, a 自定义程序 Manager,和 Partner Student 顾问,谁在这里 support program development, recruitment, 出发前 advising, logistics and more.  

    CEA 卡帕 is here to support the institution’s academic efforts. Our team will work with to curate the academic components of the program. Academic components can include:
    • Academic centers + facilities with technology equipped classrooms
    • 学分承担兼职和全职宝博体育安置选择在各种各样的学科
    • Experiential learning opportunities
    • Professional site visits to local businesses and organizations
    • 客座演讲
    • Local 教师 instruction
    • Curriculum development
    • Grade reports and transcripts
    CEA 卡帕将制定一个强大的活动日历,将学生和教师与所选项目目的地的文化联系起来. We will work with the institution to select culture activities and experiences that align with the theme and learning outcomes of the program.
    • Cultural activities and entrances
    • Program calendar of active learning events
    • Volunteer opportunities
    • Welcome/farewell dinners
    • 组餐
    • Excursions (day trips and overnight)
    机构可以依靠我们来确保从住宿和教室空间到学生签证咨询的每一个细节都得到照顾, and risk management.
    • Accommodations in shared student apartments, residence halls, hotels, or homestays
    • 教师 services and support, including apartment accommodation
    • Airport transfer/pickup
    • Pre-departure and onsite orientations
    • Classroom space and academic calendar
    • Experience and dedicated onsite support staff
    • Insurance and risk management
    • 24/7 emergency phone
    • 健康 and 安全 locater app
    • Visa advising for students and 教师
    CEA 卡帕的合作伙伴营销团队在这里提供咨询营销方法,以协助推广和招募定制项目. Customized marketing support can include:
    • 传单, 海报, 演讲, 数字标牌, social media posts, and email campaign templates highlighting your program.
    • 协助安排校园信息会议、演讲、留学交易会等.
    Each custom program is assigned a dedicated US-based CEA 卡帕 自定义程序 Manager. Pre-departure support includes:
    • 出发前计划支持:CEA 卡帕将安排视频电话会议,介绍CEA 卡帕的现场团队,并审查项目提案的各个方面的细节. The CEA 卡帕 自定义程序 Manager will 与机构人员密切合作,最终确定项目内容,并在项目开始日期前30天将项目元素纳入最终的项目日历.
    • 出发前学生咨询:一位专门的CEA 卡帕学生顾问是您的学生从他们被确认到项目开始的主要联系人. 顾问s are trained to advise students on a variety of topics including health and 安全, 身份, and cultural integration.  
    • 注册管理:CEA 卡帕可以设计定制的出发前通信来获取学生信息和偏好,例如:紧急联系信息, health information, housing preferences, 课程 registration, and more.  
    • 出发前培训:CEA 卡帕可以为团队组织一个虚拟的出发前培训, which may be recorded. 这个方向可以为项目设定期望,审查健康和安全协议,提出建议 on entry into the country, and provide recommendations for packing. 
    每个CEA 卡帕定制课程地点都有专门的工作人员,他们完全可以帮助该国的学生和教师. 每个项目都有一个全面的培训过程,并在整个过程中提供高水平的实践支持 the duration of the program.
    • 教师 & 项目支持:CEA 卡帕人员负责确保项目按计划顺利进行. 他们可以帮助解决任何与项目资源、预订、住房、 and other guidance.
    • 学生建议 & 支持:CEA 卡帕的工作人员可以就学生在国外可能遇到的任何问题提供建议,并接受过处理健康和安全等各种问题的培训, 个人和 学术顾问, travel and specific cultural events and activities, housing and roommate issues, 身份, and cultural integration.
    We prioritize the 安全 and well-being of our students, 教师, and staff at each step of the custom program process. 在CEA的所有地点,我们都建立了紧急反应程序和安全协议 with the Forum on Education Abroad’s Standards of Good Practices. In addition, we utilize 资源 from the U.S. Department of State, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Overseas Security 顾问y Council, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World 健康 Organization.

    CEA还将所有学生和教师领导纳入强制性医疗保险和紧急支持计划. 这项统一的政策确保项目参与者在国外获得所需的保险, while allowing CEA staff to respond expediently and consistently if emergencies arise.


    Find additional information about CEA 卡帕's Custom and 教师-Led programming and support:


    Explore the variety of academic disciplines, co-curricular programming, and cultural engagement activities that CEA 卡帕 can support across our locations.



    Walk through the program lifecycle, including CEA 卡帕's approach to program development, 出发前, 到达现场, and post-program support.


    Signature Programs

    了解如何利用CEA 卡帕的经验和专业知识为你的大学开发一个标志性项目.


    自定义程序Request a proposal for your custom program.